Expense Manager App


Limitless desires of our lives need a regular check. With expense manager, it makes easy for you to manage your daily expenses. With this app, the users can add their daily expense and create a schedule for managing their incurred expenses. Key feature of this app brings you a possibility to track the status of monthly, weekly and yearly expenses on different tasks and can also get a schedule for spending their valuables.


First simplifying the complex flow of the app was the major task to begin with, later we managed to push notifications as per requirements. Precise and correct amount of data entered, amount spent and amount left on daily basis was managed and maintained. All new alert feature for over budget expenses along with the algorithm for its function was created and executed proficiently.


Our team basically commenced with the the flow chart of an app. Next defined the exact functions screen wise and interconnected them too. Very systematically, an ANS server was setup for push notifications. We begun with front end code and connected the app with back end via web services. Also daily activity was tracked and updated the app with respect to the particular user account, which was a must.


We provided client an quality final product in form of iOS and Android application with dedicated Cpanel.