The Background
Client (Vinolismus): VINOLISMUS.COM is the first internet platform that specializes in offering wines from the Saar and Moselle. They have a comprehensive choice of actual rarities and special wines in their treasure trove, in addition to the normal wineries and current vintages.
Shopware: Shopware is a German open-source platform aimed at improving the customer experience. It is the ultimate eCommerce platform that can transform your company into a market leader with robust and agile characteristics. Shopware offers you cutting-edge, highly adaptable eCommerce solutions trusted by the world’s most acclaimed brands.

The Challenge
The client was selling the same products in the Online shop as well as in the Physical store. It became difficult to update and manage the stock availability on either platform due to a lack of integration between the platforms. Especially, the manual updates are very inconsistent and behindhand. So, he wanted to have a solution that automates the business operations such as Product stock management and a centralized product catalog.

The Solution
On analyzing all his challenges and snags, we consulted him to migrate his online store from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 as PayPal’s product, the iZettle POS is not compatible with Shopware 5. Shopware 6 is an ideal platform for meeting the needs of a highly dynamic and networked business world. iZettle POS gives a real-time inventory view, providing data and insights into your business. With iZettle POS all the Shopware 6 products are synced in the POS for selling in his physical store and the product stock gets automatically updated as per the sale on each platform. It is the optimum solution for your omnichannel business.
The Process
The foremost thing in order to use the iZettle POS product provided by PayPal was to migrate the client’s eCommerce store from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6. The process was initiated by installing Shopware 6 on the client’s server. Migrated the Shopware 5 online store with long-time viability, security, and a smooth transition to Shopware 6. With the successful migration of Customers, Products, Orders, and all other business data to Shopware 6, we extended the Shopware 6 Zenit Design Theme to design as per his Shopware 5 shop and improve the design by adding Shopping experiences elements. Now, the client’s system was compatible to integrate iZettle POS provided by PayPal. All the products, their details, and their stocks were centralized on the cloud and synced with all the platforms in the multi-channel network. The product stock management and product catalog are now centralized and provide live updates.

The Result
A team of dedicated and certified Shopware migration experts at iCreative Technologies provided a seamless Shopware migration service with precise data migration and mapping without compromising design quality, functionality, apps, or other aspects. After migration to Shopware 6, iZettle POS was implemented which helps manage your omnichannel business anywhere in the world.
Now, with their in-store shop connected to their digital sales channels, their inventories are automatically synced and quickly updated once an item is sold, or a listing is edited. No more mistakes, no more wasted time, and no risk of unhappy customers.
Clients Review
“Wir nutzen die Dienstleistungen seit zwei Jahren und sind immer sehr zufrieden. Alle Dinge rund um shopware sind schnell und kompetent gelöst worden. Wir sind jüngst von sw5 auf SW6 migriert: alles top. Und die Menschen dort sind zudem nett und höchst professionell!”
– Alex
“We have been using the services for two years and are always very satisfied. All things to do with Shopware were solved quickly and competently. We recently migrated from sw5 to sw6: everything is great. And the people there are nice and highly professional!”
– Alex